Beauty Benefits Of Coconut Oil In Your Daily Routine

By Laura Fiebert | Updated: June 13, 2022

    I was initially skeptical and wanted to test out the uses of coconut oil for myself. So I headed to the health food store to ensure I was getting 100% organic oil with no chemical fillers. I left with a $10 tube of the stuff. It smells so good I immediately wanted to spoon it into my mouth. The best part is you can! So let’s get into the beauty benefits of coconut oil.

    For the Skin

    Coconut oil’s most obvious use is as a skin moisturizer. After a shower, I slathered some on my body and thought I would have to hop right back in to wash it off. But, to my surprise, it absorbed very quickly. It left my skin glowing and soft.

    It keeps my legs smoother and longer, so I don’t have to shave often. I use it on my face sometimes when it gets scorched. Just be careful not to use too much. It’s not pretty. Besides smoothing dry patches, it will balance your skin’s natural oils, so even if it is on the oily side, it’s still safe to use. It is also known for reducing sunspots and eye puffiness.

    For Your Pits

    I know; how is putting oil on your pits to work on a hot day? I heard it could be used as a deodorant but wasn’t convinced. I was not willing to take the chance of sweating and smelling all day, so naturally, I tested it on my husband first.

    He started getting a bad reaction to his deodorant a few months ago. It was burning his skin and leaving a rash. We spent so much money on many types of deodorants while trying to find a solution. Finally, in desperation, he agreed to give it a shot.

    It ends up it’s not strong enough for his man scent, but it worked for me. I offer free armpit smells to anyone who doesn’t believe me. It’s a hit at parties. Many recipes online make deodorant by adding baking soda to the oil, which is more effective.

    For Your Beauty Routine

    It takes makeup off like a dream. Even the ever so stubborn eyelash murderer named waterproof mascara. It also relieves chapped lips with one application. Seriously, try it. I put some in an old contact lens case and carry them in my purse.

    There are some fun recipes to make lip stains or add a little sugar to make a great lip exfoliant. I am a dedicated nail and cuticle bitter, mostly because my hands are so dry. It makes a great cuticle cream and prevents me from picking at my fingers.

    For Your Va-Jay-Jay

    Yes, you can put it on, and in, your hoo-ha. It works as natural lubrication; as a bonus, it tastes good! In addition, its antibacterial and antiviral properties won’t mess up your natural flora.

    To my surprise, it can also be used topically for UTIs, and saturating a tampon can help with yeast infections.

    For Your Teeth

    I have not tried this myself because I’m convinced I will gag within minutes, but Kelley does it regularly and loves it. So, what is this oil-pulling craze? It is an ancient dental technique where you swish a tablespoon of oil in your mouth on an empty stomach for around 20 minutes.

    This supposedly draws out toxins from your body, improves oral health, and can whiten your teeth. However, make sure not to swish too aggressively like you would mouth wash; your jaw will get tired. Instead, spit it in the garbage because it can solidify in your drain. It is also known to help with hangovers, sleep, and skin issues.

    For the Sun

    *This is just my experience. I am not a health care professional. Keep in mind that it does not have complete SPF protection.*

    It’s a natural shield to protect you from the sun and excellent for everyday use on your face and body. I thought I would burn to a crisp going out on a hot day with shiny oil all over my body, but I decided to try it anyway.

    I was hosting a Memorial Day BBQ, so I was in the sun for most of the day. To my surprise, I did not burn at all. It was 85 degrees, and the UV index was 8, so I should have been a lobster. But, remember, this is just my experience. My skin is not super sensitive, and I’m Sicilian, so that I can take some sun.

    For Your Locks

    Coconut oil works miracles on dry hair and split ends. I have been rubbing a little into my ends, and it does help seal the cuticle. Even use it as a leave-in conditioner but only in small amounts. You don’t want to look like a grease ball! Once a week, I use it as a deep conditioning mask. Coat your hair and leave it in for about 15 minutes before hopping in the shower.

    For First Aid

    It can be used topically to heal minor cuts, scrapes, and burns and reduce the chance of scarring. Got a bug bite? Use it to stop itching, burning, and inflammation. It also has anti-fungal properties.

    Here are a few more great ways to use it that I haven’t tried yet:

    • It helps soothe psoriasis or eczema
    • Mix a tablespoon with a tablespoon of chia seeds and eat it for an all-day energy boost
    • It helps reduce the appearance of varicose veins
    • Naturally clears up cold sores
    • Great for reducing stretch marks
    • Anti-fungal cream

    Coconut oil has been getting much attention lately as nature’s cure for everything. Besides smelling so unique, it’s excellent for health and beauty. I love it for travel because it’s so versatile and can be used for many things. This is what I use, but there are many brands out there. If you haven’t tried it yet, please do immediately.